除了韓國流行音樂把我洗腦之外, 近來的內地電視劇亦深深吸引著我。好一對的撻撥玉兒和陳靖仇使我回想起七年前的林月如和李逍遙---童男童女的「連心結」使我在半潛意識中聽到惡女臭蛋「莫失莫忘鈴」的蟲語,心裡就像被揪住一樣, 鼻竇酸酸的, 眼眶不禁被眼淚盛滿。
從南韓開開心心自由行完滿以後, 我回來看內地熱潮電視劇<<軒轅劍>>, 結果我哭啼不停---玉兒為靖仇舍生, 準大地皇者眼見愛人死去。看到這裡, 漸漸感覺到一滴又一滴溫水浸濕面頰, 嘀咕到地上, 在視線被淚珠弄得模糊間, 莫失莫忘鈴在我腦海裡閃過, 其發出的蟲語叫聲還是那麼清翠動人。
玉兒靖仇的故事, 間接地把我帶回到2005年的<<仙劍奇俠傳>>, 重溫臭蛋惡女的感情史, 月如死去的那一幕, 使我心碎了(詳細自己去YOUTUBE看第二十七,二十八集)
過了數分鐘以後, 我從那些斷腸的畫面驚醒......這一刻我意識到仇玉戀與遙月戀是一模一樣, 都是日久生情, 都是耐人尋味。當兩位男人目睹自己的心愛女人死去後, 都會悔恨著自己, 沒有好好珍惜。當然, <<仙一>>的逍遙比靖仇更加悲傷, 既失去月如又失去靈兒; 靖仇最後可以與玉兒過著天倫之樂的生活。
看完軒轅劍的「仇玉」後, 我覺得編劇寫「仇玉戀」是別有用意的, 加上在2005年飾演李逍遙的胡歌又是該劇的男二號兼制片人。作為一個小試牛刀的學生影評人, 我認為胡歌希望藉著「仇玉戀」勾起其他人的回憶---令人想起<<仙一>>月如的死去以及月如死後的逍遙, 加深軒轅劍的感染力。
題外話, 現在月如跟逍遙又合作, 明天還會在上海開什麼開播盛典。 他們七年後再度合作的微電影, 大家不要錯過!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I Was There (Part 1)
Click here to read I Was There (Part 2)
I am a Form 5 student. My name is Will, Will Lee. I had been living a normal life just like everyone at my age was -- I go to school, finish school assignments every day, and prepare for upcoming tests or exams afterwards -- until that day.
It was a beautiful sunny morning when I went to school. But after school, there were some dark clouds first, then came the pouring rain. I did not bring an umbrella. Luckily, my school was near the MTR(Mass Transit Railway) station, so that I could walk my way without getting wet. Then I got on the train at Hong Kong station. Since there were not many people in the compartment at the time, I took a seat and began to sleep after a tiring day of school.
"Next station: Lai King. Interchange station for the Tsuen Wan line towards Tsuen Wan."
The woman's voice in the announcement was too soft to wake me from my daydream. I thought I heard the words "Lai King", or maybe I just heard it wrong. What if she really said so, then I must wake up and get off the train in order to go home. My mom said she was going to prepare a pickled pork tonight. Right, wake up, Will!
The door was about to open. I woke, I got up, and I stepped out of the compartment door as I forced opening my eyes to get my vision back. I saw people waiting in line, ready to get in on the train. Something looked different and I had no time to question but kept my eyes open on the surrounding. Before I could utter a word, the scene in front of me faded, diminished. It started to ebb away like weakening tide. It was no platform. I had never seen such a place in my life.
"What is this place?" I finally said something in astonishment.
I am a Form 5 student. My name is Will, Will Lee. I had been living a normal life just like everyone at my age was -- I go to school, finish school assignments every day, and prepare for upcoming tests or exams afterwards -- until that day.
It was a beautiful sunny morning when I went to school. But after school, there were some dark clouds first, then came the pouring rain. I did not bring an umbrella. Luckily, my school was near the MTR(Mass Transit Railway) station, so that I could walk my way without getting wet. Then I got on the train at Hong Kong station. Since there were not many people in the compartment at the time, I took a seat and began to sleep after a tiring day of school.
"Next station: Lai King. Interchange station for the Tsuen Wan line towards Tsuen Wan."
The woman's voice in the announcement was too soft to wake me from my daydream. I thought I heard the words "Lai King", or maybe I just heard it wrong. What if she really said so, then I must wake up and get off the train in order to go home. My mom said she was going to prepare a pickled pork tonight. Right, wake up, Will!
The door was about to open. I woke, I got up, and I stepped out of the compartment door as I forced opening my eyes to get my vision back. I saw people waiting in line, ready to get in on the train. Something looked different and I had no time to question but kept my eyes open on the surrounding. Before I could utter a word, the scene in front of me faded, diminished. It started to ebb away like weakening tide. It was no platform. I had never seen such a place in my life.
"What is this place?" I finally said something in astonishment.
-End of Part 1-
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