Thursday, November 20, 2014

On Re-watching Summer in February...

(From Summer in February Facebook page) 

I know I didn't write about this film when I first watched it, and only until now have I decided to write about it. To be honest with you, I wasn't sure I had understood much from the first viewing, and I'm not proclaiming I understand a lot this second time around either. What I'm trying to say, is that although I picked up on a few connecting dots and could be able to see the whole picture clearer, I still failed to grasp much, nor could I learn to appreciate this film for what it might have.

(From Summer in February Facebook page)

What drew me to this love story in the first place was the Downton Abbey star Dan Stevens and his upperclass gentlemanly accent. I knew that this film was based on the book written by one of Dan's teachers, Jonathan Smith (he wrote the screenplay as well). Although Dan's (and of course other actors') performance is compelling, the film itself is a bit of a letdown, even though there were some potentially moving moments in the film.

(From Summer in February Facebook page)

Personally, the film has moments with neat lines that transform the moments into little climaxes, however, the buildup phases in-between two peaks are a bit weak, or maybe it takes too long to see the next little dramatic high point. If the story like this is to be turned into a feature film, I guess the buildup phases should be stronger, if not, then shorter.

If not making this film shorter, then I think a more in-depth portrayal of the main characters is needed. For example, I'd love to see more about the romance between Gilbert and Florence. It is rather too short. It would also be nice if I can see the development of Florence's jealousy of AJ's other women. Some of the moments, where the characters start to get emotional, ended too soon.

Morning at Lamorna Cove, Cornwall by Samuel John Lamorna Birch
© the artist's estate photo credit: Williamson Art Gallery & Museum

Still I've found some gems in the film--the music and the scenery. Throughout the film the music is utterly beautiful and brilliantly executed. It plays well with the film and the players deserve a round of applause (cue clapping). There are moments I was ready to get moved by the scene once the melancholy music set in, however, I couldn't because the scene was either not intense enough or it ended just too quick. The spectacular view of Lamorna, England opened my eye and I would like to sign up for a painting lesson just so I could go somewhere like Lamorna and paint the beauty out of it while I enjoy the view. I'd like to see the splashing waves, the shore, the colors of the sky, the grass swinging to the wind.

Behind-the-scene look at the score.

Official trailer

Summer in February Facebook Page
Official website

Monday, September 22, 2014

《FIRST CLASS》: 絕對是一個現代灰姑娘的奮鬥故事

不再是等待奇蹟的出現。與期等待,那倒不如靠自己雙手的能力去創造奇蹟。這是我從《FIRST CLASS》裡學習到的東西,新鮮特別的敍事手法令我很想介紹一下這套劇。

吉成 奈美(澤尻英龍華 飾)本來在一家衣料店當職員,閒時喜愛閱讀時裝雜誌,還會製作剪貼簿,做一本自己的雜誌,自我滿足一番。某一天,店內某位嬸嬸同事暈倒,奈美送她到醫院,巧遇當時裝雜誌主編的女兒,經嬸嬸要求下,奈美便這個灰姑娘便踏進了殘酷時裝界這個大染缸。公司內盡是狡狼餓狗,純得像綿羊般的奈美小姐會怎樣向自己的夢想進發呢?


我認為兩者都是互相發揮作用才會吸引觀眾的眼球,英龍華在這一點上做的算不錯。從上一套劇到現在有十年時間,她成功演譯出十年前的少女心態,這樣才叫演技呀。還有就是角色從純真女生成長、蛻變,配上英龍華的演出令我覺得娛樂性十足。不過比起飾演女性時尚雜誌《FIRST CLASS》的主編大澤 留美(板谷由夏 飾),英龍華的張力還差一點點。也許是這樣,兩者差別所做成的對比突顯兩個角色的特點:留美主編的外剛內柔,奈美小姐的雞蛋殼心靈,在劇中都發揮著很重要的作用。所以她們兩個的角色亦是我在劇中特別喜愛的人物之二。

此劇另外兩大看點就是Mounting以及角色心底話。每集起首與結尾都會有Mounting排名排出最高權力的角色(類似權力階級)。Mounting的計算包括: 財力、樣貌、背景之類等作為考量因素。被Foul出局就會變成了Joker。每次結算都好期待看到奈美的新排名究竟是怎麼樣,也很想看到某些壞蛋角色早早掉進Joker行列。角色心底話真的令我更透徹地了解到角色的真心話。表面一套話,心裡的那一套還是比較誠實。兩者同步進行的表達方式雖然有點難follow,但是趣味十足。



Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cosy Dining @ Brick Lane

As a reward after walking for a long while to buy a gift for some special occasion, my friends and I decided to pay a visit to the Bricklane Gallery nearby, to find out what this English diner had to offer.

The interior of the diner is pretty dark and gloomy, but a sense of eerily gothic starts oozing out as the wooden table and highly decorated chairs made noticeable with the now feisty candle light placed in a beautiful orb-like candle jar.

This cucumber drink was refreshing to the tonsils and sweet to the heart (cliché, I know). But really, I think this type of drinks are best suited for many occasions if you're not here to get drunk. Whether you're with your family, your friends, or special someone, you want a drink that boosts your mood. THIS, can be the accessory drink that you're looking for while you're indulging in the conversation with your buddies.

I couldn't make up my mind, so I ordered the All Day Breakfast (Everything). You'll see and know right away that this set is perfect for someone like me: 
1) Those who want a bit of everything. 
2) Those who won't bother to read the whole menu. 
3) Those who bother to read the whole thing back and forth but still can't make a decision.
Like (almost) everyone, I liked the bacon Brick Lane had to offer. But, alas, two slices of bacon simply couldn't satisfy my stomach. The rest on the big white plate, except the veggie, was quite good (I'm not into their green salad that much).

It was a beautiful and cheerful evening where I got to spend some quality time with my friends. Eye contacts, secrets, and compliments were exchanged, and we went home happily knowing we had a full stomach and a rejuvenated mind.

Brick Lane Gallery is located at
G/F, 17-23 Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2721 0628
Opening Hours:
Mon - Thu 12:00 - 02:00
Fri 12:00 - 03:00
Sat 11:30 - 03:00
Sun 11:30 - 01:00

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A short Gothic story

*The underlined words are also composed by my classmates.

The scariest day of my life

P.O.V of a man who is named "Sander Poe"

  I was born in 1954. The day was my birthday. It was a rainy day. Crows unexpectedly showed up in my house. That's the beginning of the story. Every o'clock the Crows make sound. So I check the Crows by following their steps, hearing their sound, I discovered something mysterious. At that time, I heard some weird sounds. I thought it was an alien. Ah, I remember the alien, the alien is from.... But this one is kind of different from the others, it was so handsome. He was like he was bitten by somebody and he is like zombie. I changed maybe I'm zombie.

  My mind was full of depression, loss, anger and fear. What my eyes see is blue, grey, white and black. I can't see red yellow and skin colors. My nose can smell only blood and the saliva inside my mouth tastes like rotted meat. My body is not mine anymore. I was controlled. My action, my soul and a half of my consciousness are following somebody's rules. I go out crazily to eat and kill all the creature. As the more 
creatures I kill, more fear and other negative emotions I gain. My hands are tainted with more and more blood and my mind is further dominated by a thought.
  I killed almost all the animals and human beings in town. I wasn't satisfied. I wanted more meat. I went to the river nearby the town. I saw a girl with long dark black curly hair who wears a black dress with a black transparent veil. She was healing a person who suffered from my teeth by singing a song in the riverside. She sings beautifully like an angel. Within a minute, that person with scars made by my teeth dies peacefully.

  She then turns around and looks at me, with a bitter face. She looks familiar. Her light blue eyes remind me of the girl I saw in several of my dreams. Her white skin recalls my scary childhood with the white thick snow which surrounded me. She comes forwards while I'm completely shocked by her appearance.

  "Sander Poe," She said with her soft and attractive voice and touches me with her cold left hands. I then grab her left hand with my bloody hands and place it on my right cheek, to feel her coldness.

  Subconsciously, I know her name and who she is.

  "My lost Lenore." I said with a shattered tone, " my fallen angel"

   I cried like a baby.

  "Please cure my pain, please satisfy what I need." I begged her.

   She smiles and places her right hand on my left cheek. She slowly stands up like wearing high heels and she kissed me with her soft lip.

  Many things are happening in my mind in the meantime. Her lips is kind of interaction. She tells me not to let fear takes over me and kill the creature futilely. When her lip leaves my lip. I am subconsciously afraid of Lenore.

  She is a beast and I want to kill her.

  I don't know if she knows me. "Donec tenebras coram me (Please follow me to face the darkness)." She said in Latin and she sings. 

  As she sings, I feel myself start to fall asleep with the brightest light lasting in the world, with a very gentle breeze. Suddenly, there're growling voice from afar and crows craw. The ravens' red eyes stare at me. I'm scared and start to sweat. But after several seconds, what I see, hear and feel has gone. I seem to be going into other place. 

  I enter into the white scenery with a grey door. When I open the door, I see Lenore with a smiling face, I hug her with a mood filled with love and pleasant. And she places her head on my left shoulder without any fear and doubt.

  Finally, my scariest day has "gone".


Monday, July 7, 2014

[June Edition] What You've Missed: Blonde Redhead + SOHN

Blonde Redhead has been in the music biz for about 10 years, while SOHN debuted himself in 2012. "Will the crowd be any different, will they show some support for this SOHN dude?" Well, truth is, the crowd was just as stimulated by waves of mind-blowing beats. It was truly a night to remember. For those of you who didn't know or couldn't make it, you certainly have missed a great show in your life (yes you did, ha!).

Photo: Gladys Wong via Facebook

The first performing artist was SOHN and he did bring out the professional side of him to hype us all up. There was an air of uncanniness about the way he dressed and perform. A gray winter hat under a hood of the same color--gave me an impression of how a modern preacher of music would clad himself (If only music were nothing but a religion)--were all we had for the whole show. On top of it were a great voice, coupled with the dazzling light effects and bombarding sound system. Together they, or rather he, gave us something more than just a show/gig, it was something beyond, a sensation I'd say, and that is not an understatement.

You can't imagine how impressive and breath-taking to be standing in the front row, experiencing the heart-shaking sound waves and the flashing-while-sweeping cones of light. Sohn brought us tracks from his debut album, Tremors, which was only just released three months earlier.

I first heard of his name was when his song Bloodflows was featured as free music of the week on the iTunes store, which naturally led me to his YouTube page and got myself amazed by the simplistic and artistic ambiance. I guarantee you listening to his album with your dr. dre headset can't even be compared to a tenth of the magnitude of the blasting sound system right at the venue.

When SOHN had delivered a big show for us all, and still had us under his charm. The next act--Blonde Redhead was already at the backstage, preparing to relay the torch of music from SOHN.

Photo: chaur via Flickr
Blonde Redhead--a sophisticated rock band composed of Kazu Makino (vocals, rhythm guitar) and twin brothers Simone and Amedeo Pace (drums/vocals and lead guitar, respectively)--has been on the scene for about a decade now.

Photo: chaur via Flickr
They surely knew their craft and got right into the biz by bringing the audience a few tracks off their new album, then moved swiftly to the good ol' songs. We only have to stand straight and relax to have a great night. You can see the power of the female vocal was both absorbing and unleashing, thanks to the hurrahing and body-moving crowd.

The female vocal was like an anime character who could sing and play guitar, which was aurally fresh and visually chic. It was not an easy task to put a label on their music. It truly is one of a kind out there. Also, their passion for music is appreciated. Their attention to every musical detail was noticeable on stage and that was just remarkable, even the audience might not be able to tell the difference. They would check to see if they had the right notes before starting the performance. Such behavior from an experienced band like Blonde Redhead is admirable and should be respected. 

The genuine enjoyment in music shown on their faces and that had seeped through the audience as well. Even if you weren't a groupie, after this show, you might have to give it a second thought. Because, well, their songs are just really appealing to the ear. It was as if you were led by them to another world where no music had set foot there before.

Oh là là. How I wish you were there to see it for yourself.

Show info:
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 

08:00 PM to 11:00 PM 
Blonde Redhead + Sohn 
KITEC Music Zone Live House G/F KITEC, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon: Yau Tsim Mong References:

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Story and song

I haven't written this blog for a while. Today I want to share little bit about what kind of things inspire me to do my artwork or to write my script. I am kinda fond of listening music and I love atmospheric music. Atmospheric music help me to think of what I should draw and write. Goldfrapp and Epica are my favourite bands in terms of atmosphere. I used to talk about Epica for many time if you are my friends or family.
Just take Epica as an example. I have drawn a story from what one of their songs "Deep Water Horizon" inspires me. Of course, the story hasn't ended.

Songs also encourage me to write a script. I get so much ideas from songs for my script "Lawrence's Swiss" in most of the time.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mesmerizing Maleficent

The film starring the maleficent magnificent Angelina Joile deserves every credit I have in my pocket. It was an amazing experience to see the world of Sleeping Beauty through the villain, Maleficent's perspective. In this version, a large portion of the film was dedicated to the backstory of the evil-as-we-know-in-Sleeping-Beauty Maleficent, from when she was still a little fairy. She was actually an adorable and loving fairy who continues to be so when she grows up. Yes, until the day comes when she changes. What prompts her transformation? The betrayal of the mortal she has been in love with for many years. Her transformation into the wicked witch paves the way for a definite revenge.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014




(一) 「滲墨問題」: 我不知道這是不是正常的情況,但是有點滲墨的狀況發生。筆嘴有多餘的墨,在你把筆拔出來的時候,有些墨會沾上筆蓋邊緣,甚至沾到筆身透明部份。只要一不留神,便會把自己的手指也一同弄污。因此要小心注意。
(二) 「筆蓋,蓋不蓋?」: 很多時候我們用原子筆就是慣了把筆蓋都蓋到筆身上,為的就是方便自己,為免掉失了筆蓋。可是剛剛提到了的滲墨情況,就是會弄污筆蓋內壁。這個時候再把它蓋上筆身,你要是個外觀主義者,恐怕這樣弄一弄,什麼心情都會給搞垮了。
(三) 「大力一點」: 應該是新筆的原故,墨水要流到筆咀再寫出字來要一點力。我開始寫的時間會感覺墨水不太夠,直到寫多幾隻字,加上自己用多一點點力壓寫字,這才開始寫出了令人看了會賞心悅目的字體呀。只要捉到那個力度便可以寫出「理」想字體了,這個問題不大。

總括來說,雖然暫時不知道這支筆壽命有多久,不過HK $19 一支筆用來寫字的感覺真的不錯。這個時候我還萌生了想寫書信給朋友看,我是傻的嗎?還有人寫書信嗎? 不過說真的,我很喜歡閒時練字,練出一手端正的字體滿足感可會很大。

Sunday, May 11, 2014








Wednesday, April 23, 2014

One Year

It feels like a year has passed that I haven't really spent some quality time to care and nurture this little bloggie for a long while now.

I know, I know. I let myself down and let the promise fall flat and become dry like a raisin. After things got busy at school, I hadn't had time to really write to post on this blog. And, so nice and considerate of me, that I also spared (the very few of) you the time to read my sporadic disgruntle towards the assignment workload and how hard it is to write a paper, not to say it should be of some level of decent quality.

This year has been a love-hate one for me. Love it because I have made quite a few friends, I love spending time with them. We would share stories in our life, collaborate on a creative project, listen and console each other, etc. It's been great knowing them. Well, I hate it because this year has slipped away just too soon. I am not ready yet to part with this incredible year, with my awesome friends.

On the bright side, though, I get some free time finally to put my ideas down. Perhaps, I am going to start some new projects soon. But a huge collaboration is now in the works, shhh, I can't tell you more than that. I seriously have no idea when it's gonna see the light of day, but it'll be a fun one to write with my dearest "writer" buddies. (Ah, a gush of superior feeling.)

Ah Mai/阿米
Oh, and I certainly won't forget you, Ah Mai (Mai means Rice,  in Chinese). You were always on your best behavior (even better than my Water) when we came to enjoy our tea time. And that tea time is certainly the best thing on earth. I'm not sure when I will be able to sit back and relax a cup of nice lemon tea and a thick, multi-layered club sandwich, but I'm sure I'll be back whenever I am free.

I am thankful for so many things that have happened to me this year. One of them is that I got a shot at writing a sci-fi short story. Well, even though I haven't submitted the final draft yet, I can say I have doubts about it because I have to write at least 10,000 words under a month or two. And that means I have to write more and think less. I don't like that, especially I'm so new at this. My previous story with a considerable length is only of 3000 words. On finishing the first draft, I feel like there's a lot that I lack in my writing. But that's a good thing, at least I know that I can write this long and I know what I'm good at and what else I need to put on my improve-next-time checklist.

I can't wait to spend time on writing more. There are many ideas up in my stock that I have not developed yet. Also, I can't wait to get a job. This will be a whole new experience and a new page for me. I hope that I can keep this blog running, and contribute to other blogs as well. There are literally many many things I need/want to learn. On the very top of the list are languages (French and Japanese) and computer software (Photoshop and After Effects).

Here's to hope for a better and brighter future, to me, and to those who persevere to reach the end of this blog post. Until next time. :) -K

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Life Journal Vol.1

I take a gap for a quarter in order to take a rest since I am tired of the ESL. It is exhausting. In these three months, I decide to write about life journal, which is going to be about my views on Arts and Music(SYMPHONIC METAL!!). It may include my trip which I am planning to visit with my family. For this volume, I would like to talk about my photos first. I am not really photography-majored student but have strong passion on it. I either emphasized the focus by playing with value or forming composition with diagonal line. Diagonal line often gives a sense of movement and tension feeling while value can somewhat help me to create the isolation or center of interest. Just do some analysis for my composition in my first journal. I personally reckon that I myself need to be concise about what I am doing in my artwork before people know my works.

Low-key value of the bird shows that it is a focus(and center of interest), while its surroundings are relatively high-key. Emphasis of isolation can be seen in this picture. The right-hand up corner of "low-key" helps to balance the value of this picture(LOW-HIGH-LOW). My message is Loneness of walking/ flying alone.

Line dominates while value subordinates in this picture. I do admit that I have used so many diagonal lines in this picture. Even the horizon is diagonal, maybe I am too stressful at that time due to that evil open examination. Progressive rhythm of value from low-key to high-key is also diagonal. Maybe I am a bit insane at that time. Unity of diagonal line.BTW, RULE OF THIRDS and ONE-POINT PERSPECTIVE. My message is to express girl's feeling and passion on her first-try alcohol but this "first-try) also indicates she is going to face the darkness of competitive society. I consider this as my best photography within my 19.

B&W. Unity of diagonal line again. Even the dignity of tree(the vertical line) has been "exaggerated" to emphasize the diagonal line. "When the foundation quivers, dignity and dependent of human destroys. They all out of control."-----my message. One of my best(yet not better than the previous one) and reminds me of a song named "Feint"<= piano version is really good.

Taken in Guam. Seems like contrast, seems like balance. Even myself, I get lose to describe value of this picture. It is blur to learn whether it is contrast or balance. But I would say it is a contrast. Use of line is noticeable to emphasize the butterfly. There is another balance in the down left-hand corner to the center. It just depicts the butterfly is playing with leaves (not playing with flowers?). Maybe it is kind of surrealism but it is a fact.

I am not very good at landscape photo-taking. Complementary color and contrast of warm and cool. No specific message and it is kind of depiction of landscape.

Atmospheric perspective and positioning. High-key and low-key color and alternating rhythm. The center of interest is brought out by the emphasis of space. Just a landscape.


Contrast of value and also contrast of warm and cool. It is diagonally progressive from warm to cool. Do you know why the center is with warm color? It is a toilet. Home-feeling and mysterious, I admire the interior architect very much when I take this picture.

Same place and it is really well-designed. It inspires me to dream of having a gothic-black-metal-themed restaurant with growling and classical singing. (A bit offtrack but it is really good)