Saturday, June 21, 2014

Story and song

I haven't written this blog for a while. Today I want to share little bit about what kind of things inspire me to do my artwork or to write my script. I am kinda fond of listening music and I love atmospheric music. Atmospheric music help me to think of what I should draw and write. Goldfrapp and Epica are my favourite bands in terms of atmosphere. I used to talk about Epica for many time if you are my friends or family.
Just take Epica as an example. I have drawn a story from what one of their songs "Deep Water Horizon" inspires me. Of course, the story hasn't ended.

Songs also encourage me to write a script. I get so much ideas from songs for my script "Lawrence's Swiss" in most of the time.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mesmerizing Maleficent

The film starring the maleficent magnificent Angelina Joile deserves every credit I have in my pocket. It was an amazing experience to see the world of Sleeping Beauty through the villain, Maleficent's perspective. In this version, a large portion of the film was dedicated to the backstory of the evil-as-we-know-in-Sleeping-Beauty Maleficent, from when she was still a little fairy. She was actually an adorable and loving fairy who continues to be so when she grows up. Yes, until the day comes when she changes. What prompts her transformation? The betrayal of the mortal she has been in love with for many years. Her transformation into the wicked witch paves the way for a definite revenge.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014




(一) 「滲墨問題」: 我不知道這是不是正常的情況,但是有點滲墨的狀況發生。筆嘴有多餘的墨,在你把筆拔出來的時候,有些墨會沾上筆蓋邊緣,甚至沾到筆身透明部份。只要一不留神,便會把自己的手指也一同弄污。因此要小心注意。
(二) 「筆蓋,蓋不蓋?」: 很多時候我們用原子筆就是慣了把筆蓋都蓋到筆身上,為的就是方便自己,為免掉失了筆蓋。可是剛剛提到了的滲墨情況,就是會弄污筆蓋內壁。這個時候再把它蓋上筆身,你要是個外觀主義者,恐怕這樣弄一弄,什麼心情都會給搞垮了。
(三) 「大力一點」: 應該是新筆的原故,墨水要流到筆咀再寫出字來要一點力。我開始寫的時間會感覺墨水不太夠,直到寫多幾隻字,加上自己用多一點點力壓寫字,這才開始寫出了令人看了會賞心悅目的字體呀。只要捉到那個力度便可以寫出「理」想字體了,這個問題不大。

總括來說,雖然暫時不知道這支筆壽命有多久,不過HK $19 一支筆用來寫字的感覺真的不錯。這個時候我還萌生了想寫書信給朋友看,我是傻的嗎?還有人寫書信嗎? 不過說真的,我很喜歡閒時練字,練出一手端正的字體滿足感可會很大。