Thursday, December 13, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
記得有一次與四個同班同學們進行中文口試溝通練習, 題目問到關於香港應該要設置甚麼類型的博物館。它給了三個不同層面的選擇: 房屋, 時裝或者玩具, 並要求在指定時間內達成共識。在討論時, 有三個認為香港要設置玩具博物館, 一個認為時裝博物館才是香港應要設立, 而我就認為香港人應該要認識多一點香港房屋的變遷和歷史。我不太記得討論的細節, 但是有一瞬間卻令我念念不忘----就是當某位男同學以「在香港電視裡經常看到時裝秀」來反駁時裝博物館的一刻, 我便衝動起來, 以一些不太禮貌的語氣質疑他的反駁, 導致討論不能在特定時間內達成共識。 區區一個「時裝」的問題, 卻使我令整個小組不能達共識。這就是我的「牛脾氣」。
前幾天, 我在網上看了一篇關於我比較喜歡一個團體的雜誌訪問。其中會問到與某位作曲家合作的感受, 其中兩位成員卻令我有點不愉快。其中一位成員A便覺得某位作曲家能給她們創作中毒性很高的歌曲, 而那些歌曲能在亞洲以外的地方得到喜愛, 建立了其組合形象。另外一位, 成員B亦都透露團員們會與某位作曲家開會傾談音樂概念等。這令我覺得她們與某位作曲家侮辱音樂, 創作音樂原來只是想別人因「中毒」而喜歡她們, 並不是追求音樂, 表達情感和個人風格而創作關於自己的音樂。成員B令我更加反感, 與某位作曲家開會談及音樂概念---這不是就像一些毒販一起詳述如何向市民銷售毒品, 使他們因不能吸食毒品而不想生存。看完這篇報道後, 我決定不會去她們的演唱會, 她們的歌亦少聽為妙。 寥寥因為音樂概念差異, 便決意以後不去自己比較喜歡女團的演唱會。這就是我的「牛脾氣」。
自這兩件事以後, 我真的覺得自己的「牛脾氣」發得有點膚淺, 幼稚, 因為一句話便不去別人的演唱會好像有點兒那個。 究竟我作出的抉擇是否正確?
今天放學以後, 我與一個十分要好的藝術友人逛街, 我們除了論述很多有關通識的議題以外, 還傾談關於自己的事情。我跟她講述我的「牛脾氣」事跡, 提出我對我自己的一些疑惑。可能是因為同一類人, 所以她覺得我有那些「牛脾氣」只不過因為我對藝術有一定程度的熱誠, 才會不喜歡別人特意歪曲藝術或者對藝術不重視。
自己細心思考, 覺得友人的話還真有道理....
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Different kinds of "rock"
Heavy Metal:
These kind of groups can be found in the whole world, and they are mostly underground. This genre is too "metalistic" to me and I always get headache from this. But I still have my favourite in this genre: Silpknot...
I like it because the background music of its songs. Slipknot consists of 7 members: 2 guitars, 1 lead vocals, 5 of them are in the "drum" groups(2 of the drum groups are backing vocals). I love the way that they put percussion made by tin or other metals into their music.
Blues Metal:
When coming up with this genre, I always think of Aerosmith and sing their oscar-nominated song "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing". The lyrics of the song is blues, and Aerosmith performed it with its metal music, with some scream voices, making the music seems like blues, rock and metal----another mixtures of music.
Nightwish, was famous for Opera Rock, once upon a time. Tarja's singing accompanies with soft metal rock group as well as symphonic music. After Tarja's leave, Nightwish's music is changed. Symphonic metal and folk metal. The only genre it has never changed is: heavy metal. (Nightwish is from Finland)
My all-time favourite is from this genre----Evanescence. Soft metal rock accompanies piano.
Grunge rock was neglected by the public once. The bands of this group: Nirvana, the Hole, Bush and No Doubt. "Don't Speak" of No Doubt is my favourite song.
Green Day is the representative of Punk-Rock!!!!!
Nightwish is in this genre too. But I personally reckon Within Temptation is more closer to Gothic Rock.
Within Temptation is from Holland
Muse is a band which is from this type.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
To what extent should Communists and Nationalists live together?
Although I am not Korean, acting as a global citizen, I would choose "for" rather than "against" towards the Korean unification, in terms of economic and social dimensions. (Owing to my lack of knowledge on Korean politics, I neglect to write the political part thoroughly.)
Politically, what i reckon on the surface of the unification: the rise of Korean international status due to the whole nations look more complete and the institution of Korean government would be more stable and more diverse.
Economically, the unification of Korea would be prosperity for the economy, not only to herself but also to the whole world. The idea of communism can help Korea build its economy with some plans while that of capitalism can help her to build up its market economy.Taking Germany as an example, before 1989, Germany was divided into two parts--West and East. If you are history students, you will realize East part is communist and West part is capitalist. There was ideological difference between two nations. Until 1 year after the fall-down of Berlin Wall in 1989, East and West Germany was reunified into one nation. Nowadays, Germany is one of the richest countries in the Europe while European countries such as Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Iceland(we call them "Piigs"(歐豬五國))Besides, even some magazines drew cartoons (below), saying that world economy requires Mrs Merkel, Premier of German Government. It shows that Germany has played a significant role in the world, in terms of economy. Therefore, there would be probably a boom for the Korean economy as well as an advantage towards the global economy if the reunification of Korea exists in the world, with reference to the German economic development. (She would be second "Germany" and an imaginary enemy of China.)
Yet, the unification might be a problem to the North citizens or South citizens. Some of the South citizens might have more hatred on the North ones. The relationship between Hongkongsters and Chinese is a very typical example. After takeover of Hong Kong in 1997, there was a "moral panic" in Hong Kong against the return to China---the influx of emigrant. Hongkongsters fear about the spread of Chinese communism and they did not want to live under the institution of "one-party dictatorship", so they move to foreign countries. Nowadays, Hongkongsters hate mainland Chinese very much since those chinese has lower educational level and their actions ruin the image of Hong Kong, as well as those Chinese are impolite and pride, they love going to Hong Kong to buy the milk powder, to give birth their babies(main purpose: their children can enjoy 12-year free education), thereby serious social problems such as inflation and hardships in Hong Kong. South Korea might suffer from the situation like Hong Kong after the unification. However, Hong Kong is a very small part of China and the influx of mainland Chinese to Hong Kong such as buying stuff and giving birth as well as the academic degrees, is serious problem towards Hong Kong because she is very small nations while mainland China is very big nation (relating to geography). But South Korea and North Korea are half-to-half. Half of the Korea is South and another half is North. The situation of Hong Kong might not be found in South Korea due to the geographical difference.
Negative impact in terms of political aspect: more diverse in institution=>more struggles in the Congress, and make the policy difficult to pass, as well as the rise of meeting adjourns(流會).Take Germany and Italy in the 1930s as an example)
In conclusion, what i am thinking is, the unification of Korea benefits South Korea economically while it has a positive impact in terms of society towards North Korea. But there is also negative impact of the unification of Korea. The unification of Korea not only based on what North and South citizens think, but also their leaders. If most of them think that the unification sounds great, the leader agree that the unification can help to build up the economy, the institution as well as society, I believe that the unification is possible and there will be less negative influence to the South and North ones. But it depends on what the two leaders think. Therefore, to a large extent, I think Korea's unification is considered as "for" rather than "against" towards both South and North Korea.
In the recent year, the new leader of North Korea, try to be like Deng Xiaoping in China---to open up and reform the North Korea. After the opening up, the unification seems possible to Korea. However, the "nuclear crisis"(remember the nuclear weapon?) of North Korea is still in alarm. On the other hands, the ones in South(see those celebrities and university students), want their countries to unify with North Korea so much. Korea seems possibly unified.
As a Chinese, if I was working as the standing committee in the Politburo, i really did not want them to unify. I would be scared after the unification: Oh my, other than Japanese, i have another competitive opponent.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Having nothing to do?
The Hallway to Online Fame – Youtube
Sunday, September 30, 2012
[Smarts: It's
Not How Much You Learn That Matters. It's How Much You Remember]
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Writing a blog
Celebrity Consumption
I Was There (Part 2)
Click here to read I Was There (Part 3)
"What is this place?" This question echoed in my head for a few times. "Where am I?"
I needed to know where exactly I was and how I could get back home, so I looked for someone to ask. They all dressed old-fashioned, rugged clothing, and though my white shirt was now yellowish under the lamp, while theirs were brown, some were even black. I was sure they were not wearing brown nor black, because those were stains. They were all in a hurry, and I failed at stopping any one of them. Wait. I had my mobile phone with me. How stupid was I? I had it the whole time and only by now did I remember I had it inside my schoolbag?
She was the first to speak, "Will?"
For a second, I was surprised that she knew me, but memories came back to me and that was the moment I was certain. I knew who she was.
Monday, September 24, 2012
What real music stands for?
To me, to me, I consider K-Pop as "just for fun", "relieve my pressure", "for my own exitement", on the other hands, Foreign music is more than that.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
A Moth Gave Me Dance Lessons, Except It Didn't
Don't accept
Comments and advices are welcome~
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Ten Thousand Origami Cranes
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
從南韓開開心心自由行完滿以後, 我回來看內地熱潮電視劇<<軒轅劍>>, 結果我哭啼不停---玉兒為靖仇舍生, 準大地皇者眼見愛人死去。看到這裡, 漸漸感覺到一滴又一滴溫水浸濕面頰, 嘀咕到地上, 在視線被淚珠弄得模糊間, 莫失莫忘鈴在我腦海裡閃過, 其發出的蟲語叫聲還是那麼清翠動人。
玉兒靖仇的故事, 間接地把我帶回到2005年的<<仙劍奇俠傳>>, 重溫臭蛋惡女的感情史, 月如死去的那一幕, 使我心碎了(詳細自己去YOUTUBE看第二十七,二十八集)
過了數分鐘以後, 我從那些斷腸的畫面驚醒......這一刻我意識到仇玉戀與遙月戀是一模一樣, 都是日久生情, 都是耐人尋味。當兩位男人目睹自己的心愛女人死去後, 都會悔恨著自己, 沒有好好珍惜。當然, <<仙一>>的逍遙比靖仇更加悲傷, 既失去月如又失去靈兒; 靖仇最後可以與玉兒過著天倫之樂的生活。
看完軒轅劍的「仇玉」後, 我覺得編劇寫「仇玉戀」是別有用意的, 加上在2005年飾演李逍遙的胡歌又是該劇的男二號兼制片人。作為一個小試牛刀的學生影評人, 我認為胡歌希望藉著「仇玉戀」勾起其他人的回憶---令人想起<<仙一>>月如的死去以及月如死後的逍遙, 加深軒轅劍的感染力。
題外話, 現在月如跟逍遙又合作, 明天還會在上海開什麼開播盛典。 他們七年後再度合作的微電影, 大家不要錯過!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I Was There (Part 1)
I am a Form 5 student. My name is Will, Will Lee. I had been living a normal life just like everyone at my age was -- I go to school, finish school assignments every day, and prepare for upcoming tests or exams afterwards -- until that day.
It was a beautiful sunny morning when I went to school. But after school, there were some dark clouds first, then came the pouring rain. I did not bring an umbrella. Luckily, my school was near the MTR(Mass Transit Railway) station, so that I could walk my way without getting wet. Then I got on the train at Hong Kong station. Since there were not many people in the compartment at the time, I took a seat and began to sleep after a tiring day of school.
"Next station: Lai King. Interchange station for the Tsuen Wan line towards Tsuen Wan."
The woman's voice in the announcement was too soft to wake me from my daydream. I thought I heard the words "Lai King", or maybe I just heard it wrong. What if she really said so, then I must wake up and get off the train in order to go home. My mom said she was going to prepare a pickled pork tonight. Right, wake up, Will!
The door was about to open. I woke, I got up, and I stepped out of the compartment door as I forced opening my eyes to get my vision back. I saw people waiting in line, ready to get in on the train. Something looked different and I had no time to question but kept my eyes open on the surrounding. Before I could utter a word, the scene in front of me faded, diminished. It started to ebb away like weakening tide. It was no platform. I had never seen such a place in my life.
"What is this place?" I finally said something in astonishment.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Couple Pranking Each Other
I came across this YouTube channel a year ago, but it wasn't until 2 days ago when I just couldn't stop watching it. My longest record was 1 hour and 45 mins non-stop watching their videos, anyone wants to beat that?
Basically, this channel is owned by a couple, Jesse is the boyfriend and Jeana is the girlfriend. Channel is called PrankvsPrank.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Very Short passage about loving music
Cool of the wind makes me feel loneliness and sadness. I am depressed and filled with pessimistic mood while experiencing it. Nonetheless, it is an inspiration of my artwork, which was presenting in much more optimistic way and consisting special elements, when some accompaniments of music.
I always call it (i.e. wind accompanied with music) “music wind”. My music wind changed depends on what kind of music I have listened. When I was listening to No doubt’s classic “Don’t Speak”, I would feel some kind of breezing wind blow into my eyes and nose. The wind with sadness and getting lost is totally different from the songs by Evanescence or Green Day. For Green Day, when I was listening to their songs, the wind filled with the element which has varied colors, it made me think of my past.
The midnight changed my wind, seldom. In the dark and lonely night, with the dog's roar and leaf's swipe to the ground. Classical piece was playing in my iTunes and its rhythms were delivered to my ears. It is nearly morning. And I was in a piece of green grass, under a hundred-year-old pine, sleeping and waiting for someone to have the answer I wanted, a wind with bloody beautiful. This is my imagination, must be, for the last scene of the Pride and Prejudice, while Elizabeth was taking a walk in the nearly morning, Mr.Darcy came to find her and proposed to her, and even I substituted myself into Elizabeth. But, Who is Mr.Darcy?
Few minutes later, I woke up from the classical music, which dreadfully deceived me to fall into my fancy. After that, I thought I should get some sleep and temporarily stop to interact with my wind. Somewhat ending the communication is a good start, by preventing someone deceived you with flattery words.