Monday, September 22, 2014

《FIRST CLASS》: 絕對是一個現代灰姑娘的奮鬥故事

不再是等待奇蹟的出現。與期等待,那倒不如靠自己雙手的能力去創造奇蹟。這是我從《FIRST CLASS》裡學習到的東西,新鮮特別的敍事手法令我很想介紹一下這套劇。

吉成 奈美(澤尻英龍華 飾)本來在一家衣料店當職員,閒時喜愛閱讀時裝雜誌,還會製作剪貼簿,做一本自己的雜誌,自我滿足一番。某一天,店內某位嬸嬸同事暈倒,奈美送她到醫院,巧遇當時裝雜誌主編的女兒,經嬸嬸要求下,奈美便這個灰姑娘便踏進了殘酷時裝界這個大染缸。公司內盡是狡狼餓狗,純得像綿羊般的奈美小姐會怎樣向自己的夢想進發呢?


我認為兩者都是互相發揮作用才會吸引觀眾的眼球,英龍華在這一點上做的算不錯。從上一套劇到現在有十年時間,她成功演譯出十年前的少女心態,這樣才叫演技呀。還有就是角色從純真女生成長、蛻變,配上英龍華的演出令我覺得娛樂性十足。不過比起飾演女性時尚雜誌《FIRST CLASS》的主編大澤 留美(板谷由夏 飾),英龍華的張力還差一點點。也許是這樣,兩者差別所做成的對比突顯兩個角色的特點:留美主編的外剛內柔,奈美小姐的雞蛋殼心靈,在劇中都發揮著很重要的作用。所以她們兩個的角色亦是我在劇中特別喜愛的人物之二。

此劇另外兩大看點就是Mounting以及角色心底話。每集起首與結尾都會有Mounting排名排出最高權力的角色(類似權力階級)。Mounting的計算包括: 財力、樣貌、背景之類等作為考量因素。被Foul出局就會變成了Joker。每次結算都好期待看到奈美的新排名究竟是怎麼樣,也很想看到某些壞蛋角色早早掉進Joker行列。角色心底話真的令我更透徹地了解到角色的真心話。表面一套話,心裡的那一套還是比較誠實。兩者同步進行的表達方式雖然有點難follow,但是趣味十足。



Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cosy Dining @ Brick Lane

As a reward after walking for a long while to buy a gift for some special occasion, my friends and I decided to pay a visit to the Bricklane Gallery nearby, to find out what this English diner had to offer.

The interior of the diner is pretty dark and gloomy, but a sense of eerily gothic starts oozing out as the wooden table and highly decorated chairs made noticeable with the now feisty candle light placed in a beautiful orb-like candle jar.

This cucumber drink was refreshing to the tonsils and sweet to the heart (cliché, I know). But really, I think this type of drinks are best suited for many occasions if you're not here to get drunk. Whether you're with your family, your friends, or special someone, you want a drink that boosts your mood. THIS, can be the accessory drink that you're looking for while you're indulging in the conversation with your buddies.

I couldn't make up my mind, so I ordered the All Day Breakfast (Everything). You'll see and know right away that this set is perfect for someone like me: 
1) Those who want a bit of everything. 
2) Those who won't bother to read the whole menu. 
3) Those who bother to read the whole thing back and forth but still can't make a decision.
Like (almost) everyone, I liked the bacon Brick Lane had to offer. But, alas, two slices of bacon simply couldn't satisfy my stomach. The rest on the big white plate, except the veggie, was quite good (I'm not into their green salad that much).

It was a beautiful and cheerful evening where I got to spend some quality time with my friends. Eye contacts, secrets, and compliments were exchanged, and we went home happily knowing we had a full stomach and a rejuvenated mind.

Brick Lane Gallery is located at
G/F, 17-23 Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2721 0628
Opening Hours:
Mon - Thu 12:00 - 02:00
Fri 12:00 - 03:00
Sat 11:30 - 03:00
Sun 11:30 - 01:00